Code of Conduct

Revision 2.0 (Effective June 2023)

Link is the brand name of Asian Sourcing Link Ltd including its subsidiaries, branches and affiliates.

Link is committed to provide its customers with the best quality products through ethical and responsible business principles including protection for the rights of individuals, promotion of equal opportunity and respect for the environment.

This Code of Conduct must be communicated to all vendors as well as all approved sub-contractors under vendor monitoring.

Link is committed to provide its customers with the best quality products through ethical and responsible business principles including protection for the rights of individuals, promotion of equal opportunity and respect for the environment.

This Code of Conduct must be communicated to all vendors as well as all approved sub-contractors under vendor monitoring.


Vendors shall not use child labor. “Child” is defined as a person younger than 15 years of age unless local laws in the country stipulate a higher minimum working age for work or mandatory schooling, in such a case the higher age shall apply. Vendors must verify the age of their workers and maintain copies of their workers’ proof of age. Vendors must follow all applicable laws and regulations regarding working hours and conditions for minors.


Vendors shall not use forced or involuntary labor. “Involuntary Labor” is defined as work or service which is extracted from any person under threat or penalty for its non-performance and for which the worker does not offer himself or herself voluntarily, and includes all manner of prison, bonded, indentured and forced labor.


Vendors must treat employees in a fair manner with dignity and respect. Link will refrain from doing business with vendors engaged in the use of corporal punishment, intimidation or any other form of physical or psychological coercion or sexual/verbal harassment or abuse against workers.


Vendors shall employ workers solely on the basis of their ability to do the job, and shall not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, racial characteristics, maternity or marital status, nationality or cultural, religion or personal beliefs or otherwise in relation to hiring, wages, benefits, termination or retirement.


Vendors shall respect the rights of workers to associate, organize and bargain collectively without unlawful interference and in a peaceful manner.


Vendors shall maintain a clean, safe and healthy workplace in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Vendors shall ensure that workers have access to clean drinking water, sanitary washing facilities and an adequate number of toilets, fire-extinguishers, and fire exits and those workplaces provide adequate lighting and ventilation. Vendors shall ensure that the aforementioned standards are also met in any canteen and/or dormitory which is provided for workers.


Vendors shall provide wages and benefits that comply with all applicable laws and regulations or match the prevailing local manufacturing or industry rates, whichever is higher. Overtime pay shall be calculated at the legally required rate, regardless of whether workers are compensated hourly or by piece rate.

Vendors shall provide workers with all benefits required by law or regulation including, if required, meals, transportation, health care, child care and leave for medical, family, or religious reasons. As required by law or regulation, vendors shall make contributions towards workers social security and insurance programs.


Vendors shall not require workers to work, including overtime, more than 60 hours per week or more than any maximum number of hours per week established by applicable laws and regulations, whichever is less. Vendors shall guarantee that workers receive at least one day off during each seven-day period.


Vendors shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in respect of protecting the environment and maintain procedures for notifying local authorities in the event of an environmental accident resulting from Vendors’ operations.


Vendors will not use subcontracting for the manufacturing of Link products or components thereof without Link’s written consent, and only after the subcontractor has entered into a written commitment with Link to comply with this Code of Conduct.


Vendors authorize Link and its principals to conduct announced or unannounced monitoring activities to Vendors’ facilities for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Code of Conduct. Vendors must maintain on-site all documents and records required to confirm compliance with this Code of Conduct. During these audits, Link and its principals shall have the rights to access all manufacturing facilities including dormitory (if any) and review all employee-related books and records maintained by Vendors and to interview workers in private environment.


Vendors shall comply with all legal requirements applicable to the conduct of their businesses, including those set out above and related industries including local and national codes, treaties and industry standards relating to employment, health, safety and the environment.


Link enquires all its vendors to conduct their business in an ethical manner. No contract will be entered into with any vendor engaged in bribery, kickbacks or the provision of gifts, favors or services to gain a competitive advantage with Link or any Third Party.


Vendors must agree to undertake a progressive improvement plan to bring their business practices to the standard of international social accountability.