Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

Link is the brand name of Asian Sourcing Link Ltd including its subsidiaries, branches and affiliates.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy – Revision 1.1

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the way we conduct our business.

• We adopt a Zero Tolerance approach in bribery and corruption. We treat any act of fraud, bribery or corruption with extreme seriousness. Any employees that breach this policy will be prosecuted.

• Our managers and supervisors have been trained in recognizing and understanding potential bribery & corruption risks.

– A log that registers such potential risks has been created. This log is reviewed periodically by our Top Management.

– Once risks have been identified, they are assessed to determine their probability and their potential impact. Where necessary, further next steps will be taken.

• Our employees must comply with the Link Code of Conduct.

Suspicions and/or allegations of potential breaches of the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy must be immediately reported to our Compliance Department at [email protected]